So if you came here from my fb page, where I was talking about my awkwardness, you were obviously looking for some more concentrated awkwardness... i can try my best to provide for you wonderful, accepting people :)
This is what I said on fb: "dear awkward-ness, why do you exist, and ruin my life!... maybe i should be proud, hi world, I'm an awkward person... it's nice to meet you... there's nothing wrong with being awkward, I'm just like you... only akward-er :)"
The sad thing is that this is true! I can be a really funny person, but since I'm so awkward... It's hard for people to get that comfort with me enough to enjoy my funniness... But then again I'm able to get that comfort with a lot of people... so maybe it's not me... maybe it's just you! maybe you need to be an easier person to talk to... a more inviting, fun, out-going person! maybe you should change... hey, it's okay... change is good :)
Anyway, I need to repitch my previous idea of using "lim". You see, it's like lol, but instead it's lim. Lol means laugh out loud, where lim means laugh in mind. Ya know, like if you're in a classy, and business themed area, you don't want to be innappropriate and laugh aloud... so you lim! Or if it's late at night and everyone's asleep in the house and you don't want to disturb anyone by lol-ing, or you're not allowed to be on the comp so late at night, you lim then too!! Or if someone says something that's funny, but not quite funny enough to laugh out loud uncontrollably... you lim again!!! See?! It just works better... Open your mind, you'll see the light :)
So I just realized I put smiley faces at the end of every paragraph... shut up... it just seems appropriate to end with a smiley face each time... be greatful! it encourages cheeriness... or cheerios...
dude cheerios are soooo racist man... they're only the o-shape... well what about all the other letter's in the alphabet... i swear man... freaking selfish bastards...
but then again... the o's are the ones getting eaten, the other alphabets get saved
i stopped using smiley faces
you know, i don't like endings... like I hate saying bye, and i don't like ending posts.. i don't like leaving... i don't like finishing books... i don't like finishing my food.. i just hate ending stuff.. it makes me sad because the enjoyment stops! So I'm going to prolong this post so I can procrastinate conclusion.
I'm doing a hamlet project in English IV AP and we're acting as lions... it's gonna be hott
I'm going to try to come up with this phenomenal, mind-blowing, gut-stirring story for my next blog post... Until then.. bye =(
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