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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Judgment Day?

What the hell! May 21st, 2011? Seriously? What about December 21st, 2012?  Are we just calling out dates now? I'm gonna put October 21st out there too now since it's a day before my bday.  Will people start saying that's the judgement day too? I mean come on! Make a freaking decision.  Apparently, its numerous Christians that have come up with this theory that it's May 21st, 2011.   I also heard that Jesus will come down to Earth on that day?  I mean yeah I believe that Jesus is gonna come down to save us, too, when the AntiChrist (aka Ad Dajjal) is gonna terrorize the planet.  But I mean not right now.  I think we have some freaking time.  Lol if you want to know about my whole theory.  Tell me to write it on here.  I don't wanna like post it up and look like a crazy person.  But it makes a lotta sense I promise :)  And i mean Osama Bin Laden JUST died so I think we're definitely gonna have some party time beforethe end of the world hits.  But yeah, now wth am I supposed to believe?!  I guess we needa live everything up before May 21st now.  EVERYONE GO PARTY AND DO WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT TO! But don't do anything that would piss god off because remember it's judgement day we're talking about :)  Okay now go on, have fun ;)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Make like a bleep and bleep

Heyyyyy you guysss so guess what?! I'm going to write a truly ridiculous post today.  I've been thinking a lot, you see... and you wanna know what I've been thinking of? Different versions of a send-off... now here we go:
Why don't you:
1) Make like a tree and branch
2) Make like an atom and split
3) Make like tectonic plates and divide
4) Make like pants and rip
5)  Make like a clock and tick
6) Make like a chicken and cluck
7) Make like a monkey and oo oo aa aa
8) Make like a chimney and smoke
9) Make like a dealer and crack
10) Make like a message and send
11) Make like a rancher and jolly
12) Make like a star and burst
13) Make like eye lashes and protect my eyes from dust particles
14) Make like a belly button and do nothing
15)  Make like a dog and bark
16) Make like an eyelid and close
17) Make like an eyebrow and raise
18) Make like a nose and sniff
19) Make like a nipple and give me milk
20) Make like a brain and storm
21) Make like a tree and leaf
22) Make like a banana and split
23) Make like a computer and give me the information
24) Make like a plant and sit
25) Make like a serial and kill
26) Make like lips and part
27) Make like a goose and bump
28) Make like amy and smart
29) Make like doctor and who
30) Make like Brad and Pitt
31) Make like a head and ache
32) Make like a triceratops and tri
33) Make like nun and chuck
34) Make like c and get out of this ab conversation or d and e will f you up
35) Make like face and book
36) Make like the lakers and suck
37) Make like Twi and light
38) Make like a cake and make me fat
39) Make like a shake and bake
40) Make like a back and bend
41) Make like geometry and screw up my mind
42) Make like pop and corn
43) Make like corn and pop?
44) Make like food and feed me
45) Make like floss and protect me from cavities and gingevitus
46) Make like a muslim and fast for 30 days
47) Make like a police car and weewooweewoo
48) Make like an alien and wooooooooooo
49) Make like a ghost and boo
49) Make like me and shut up
:) okay i'm done

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Worst video ever?

So I made a video for my English IV AP class. We were supposed to remake the Hamlet scenario in a modern day television show or movie. So at first I was with this group with a lot of asians... we decided on lion king... everyone was doing lion king so we switched to south park. We like procrastinated and nothing was working out so I decided to disband from the group and do my own thing. I chose Dexter and worked with my friend Veronica and gathered a few other random people.
The video came out sooo bad that it wasn't even funny. I'm serious. It wasn't funny. It wasn't even like Rebecca Black's "Friday", which was funny cause it was bad. But this video... well I don't even know what line it crossed but it was in all seriousness unfunny... It actually made me depressed. Like I think I want to tie a couple strings of like floss together... like braid it ya know.. so it's real thick. And like tie it to a fan and then around my neck... and then hang myself. and then I would think about it for a second and be like noo... noo not for this.. maybe next time. and then I would get off and eat some spaghetti... ya know... or drink some dr. pepper... yeah that would be nice...
Well the point is.. it was bad... and I'll put it on here... BUT NOWHERE ELSE... I think I've permanently ruined my reputation with this video... I just think it's soo bad that it has to be seen...
Wait! Nope! JK! I'm not going to put it up... it's just too embarrassing...
Every single time we show a clip... the setting is different.. and in some of them the clothes are different... yeah... extremely messed up video...
So sunday... I'm going to get into the deepest freaking rant ever... even deeper than my future rant maybe. And there will be questions that will arise that a human could never answer... maybe a tuna could... maybe a leopluradon could.... but not a human no sir not a human.
I'm a dr. pepper fiend. and a coke fiend. If I don't have my soda for the day.. I freak out... I start shivering and imagine stabbing people in my mind... I'm joking I don't actually do that.. Or do I.. you will never know what's in the mind of the shehreeze.
Does it make sense that I will only drink Dr. Pepper if it's in the bottle, but never in a can. I'll only drink coke if it's a can, and never in a bottle? I don't know what it is... but it's what I do. It just works that way for me ya know.
Oh and if you shake my soda I'll attack you and then bite you with my canines. Yes, I have sharp canines. Like I'm a vampire or something... I mean I do glitter in the sun...
But no you people don't have to worry about me being like those weird vampire obsessed people... GET REAL! They don't exist... even though we wish they did... cause they're so awesome and amazing and hot.
I fall a lot... would that be a good vampire call... i mean if all vampires were like Edward Cullen and fancied hand-eye coordinating challenged females. I'm quite the klutz, Edward.. I promise.. Yesterday, i tripped on a grape. Everyone laughed at me... But you wouldn't have... I'd imagine you'd be quite turned on by that... Edward... if you were here... I'd grow you a banana tree so you can have an endless amount of bananas you can trip me with when you're done with them and are left with just the peel. Just throw it on the ground and be like, "honey... I'm done with my banana and I left you a little surprise" and I'll walk up and trip for you right away. And you'll get your high.. Edward... if you were here... I'd trip over anything for you :)
Glitter for me honey... I like diamonds, sure!...
I watched the Other Guys last night and that was HILARIOUS!!
Go watch it and then tell me how it went :)
Love yous!!

So I've been thinking.... I wonder how the future is going to look. Will it be all flying cars and aliens and vacuum tubes with people in them? Maybe they'll put "learning" chips in our minds and they'll show us like video tapes through which we soak up all the information we need to know. Maybe it'll be like Minority Report, where the police will have a future-telling system and they'll catch criminals in the act of commiting a crime before they actually commit it. Then again if they do that then the population of the world will double and we'll all die of being squished together, and i mean there are aliens also right and we need room for them too otherwise they'll get p-oed and be like "fahn bahtchahs! ahf wah cahn't lave hare, yah cahn't lave hare ahtherrr!!" (that's alien-speak, yeah... i know. They'll sound just like the beverly hills chicks... who knows, maybe those chicks are aliens... better watch out!!) and they'll just blow us all to pieces. Or they'll just exterminate us and then live here in our places. So it's best to just not piss off the aliens (or beverly hills chicks). And then, will the world be all polluted and falling apart where there are sects of psycho crazy independent self-governing people? or will the world be like super-duper clean and find a way to pick up trash as soon as someone drops it? Where will the trash go? Maybe they'll find a way to make it dissappear altogether. like by dropping it in a black hole... or black holes could just lead to another dimension... then we'd have a whole other problem entirely. Maybe bums will be elimated cause there will be a materializing machine, where things can be materialized... like a house or food or furniture. Maybe everyone will be too smart to be bums. Maybe we need bums because if there are too many smart people to work, then there will be too much competition and some will be left with jobs at like mickey dees or atlike ihop even though they're geniuses and maybe some won't be able to find work at all and be bums anyway. Maybe there will be like little cubicle homes where people can sleep at night and there won't be a need for a house for the bums. So they won't just sleep on the streets at night. Maybe the bums will just walk around during the day and discover shit and they'll be like the reason the world is so great then because they'll have like nothing else to do besides ponder shit and then once they figure something out they'll like call the science labs and be like "oh! here's another thing we can improve!" and the whole world will be like yayy!! Maybe the teenagers will get tired of perfection and be like, "ummm... we have teenage angst... so we needa eff something up!!" and they'll start killing people and drink drugged milk in innappropriate clubs and do innappropriate things and call themselves the ultraviolents just like in A Clockwork Orange. Maybe that willhappen a lot and then they'll go to jail, and the scientists will come up with junk to eliminate screwed up minds and evil junk and hypnotize the prisoners to get sick at anything evil. And then everything'll be perfect and no evil and then we'll end up with the same problem as we started out with when we talked about the system that saw crimes before criminals commited them from Minority Report. Then we'd have too many people and the aliens will kill us all. And what about the food? Will we like start eating food through toothpaste tubes like in space? or like sip it up through a cup with a straw? or will that just eliminate the art and joy of cooking and eating? And clothes? Will we all just dress the same but in different colors... like in jumpsuits to make our traveling efficiency easier? or will we lose our individuality by dressing that way. The way we dress is a form of expressing ourselves, correct? That's why there are ridiculous emo people out therewith their skinny jeans and their soup bangs and spiky back ends of hair. And their chains hanging from their pants. And their obtrusive eyeliner. This all shows their teenage angst right? OR the indie people with their long cardigans and classic prints and vintage glasses and shoes. OR like the hoodrats with their flamboyant, tight, revealing neon clothes that totally make their fat stick out in ways that shouldn't be legal, "homie just because i dress like a hooker, doesn't mean i'm a hooker"... but of course we shouldn't assume shit right? because when you assume , you make an ass out of u and me . But then again, you guys make it impossible not to assume and be right. So let's just leave it at that.

Or maybe... now is the future. And all the time we have left is between now and December 21st, 2012. I mean there ARE a shitload of natural disasters going down, aren't there? like tsunamis and earthquakes and what not... And i don't want to hear the bullhonkey about the government keeping it from us... if there was an earthquake going on around us, i'm sure we would feel it... and natural disasters wouldn't avoid us because they don't have a brain of their own so how the hell would the government hide that from us if it just wasn't really happening all that much back then. (People can be so conspiracy-hooked) But we're getting natural disasters here now because something's up. We're getting news of this shit so much more now than how much we used to because it's happening sooo much more... and BAD!! And like we're able to do stem-cell research and recreate body parts we've lost, we're able to clone, we're able to replicate humans, there is a scientist that'sbuilding this thing called a BlueBrain in which he's going to remake the human brain with all of it's neurological impulses and emotional reactors. Of course that's where the soul comes in, but what if the robot they're able to put a condensed BlueBrain into, thinks that it's just like us humans. It'll think it has a soul, too. And isn't the soul what separates us and robots? But if the robot thinks it's us, then can it have a soul, too? I think the point that a human can create another human, will be the end of the world. And the thing is, we're getting so damn close. We aren't even aware of how far technology has gone. We're only now seeing the Microsoft Surface, but it's been around for awhile now. So, if you don't believe in the apocolypse going down in 2012, that's fine... but I think it's safer for us to just assume that it will happen and prepare anyway... if there's a way to escape it at all. But like we can enjoy our lives tothe fullest now, just in case we get to December 21st, 2012 and be like "oh shit! we were wrong! the world IS ending! And we didn't do shit to live it up." Oh and i think technological people think that it could be a techonological apocolypse, meaning a blackout in 2012 for all technology. Or I remember somewhere in something religiously significant, it has been said that once men become women and women become men (http://artsyspot.com/men-that-became-women/ ) and when women overpower the men and men are the minority and there are 50 women to every man, it will be the end of the world. There's sooooo much more detail to that. I'll write about that another time.. It'll be totally controversial... YEAHHEAHEAHH!!! CONTROVERSY SNITCHES!!! haha wow... this has been one long freaking blog post... AND YOU READ IT ALL!! AWESOME!! lol i doubt no one would have read this all.. ridiculous! ohand like if we find a way to not get fat, then everyone will be skinny and that will eliminate their uniqueness and beauty and then people will start thinking being fat is unique and beautiful and people with nice bodies will be considered ugly and common and everyone will wanna fat person for themselves... and then restaurants will be at an all time high and everyone will get fat, then skinny chicks will be at the top of the line again cause they look good in everything they wear and their unique again since everyone's fat. okay i'll stop lol... byeeee.... ttyl....


So if you came here from my fb page, where I was talking about my awkwardness, you were obviously looking for some more concentrated awkwardness... i can try my best to provide for you wonderful, accepting people :)

This is what I said on fb: "dear awkward-ness, why do you exist, and ruin my life!... maybe i should be proud, hi world, I'm an awkward person... it's nice to meet you... there's nothing wrong with being awkward, I'm just like you... only akward-er :)"

The sad thing is that this is true! I can be a really funny person, but since I'm so awkward... It's hard for people to get that comfort with me enough to enjoy my funniness... But then again I'm able to get that comfort with a lot of people... so maybe it's not me... maybe it's just you! maybe you need to be an easier person to talk to... a more inviting, fun, out-going person! maybe you should change... hey, it's okay... change is good :)

Anyway, I need to repitch my previous idea of using "lim". You see, it's like lol, but instead it's lim. Lol means laugh out loud, where lim means laugh in mind. Ya know, like if you're in a classy, and business themed area, you don't want to be innappropriate and laugh aloud... so you lim! Or if it's late at night and everyone's asleep in the house and you don't want to disturb anyone by lol-ing, or you're not allowed to be on the comp so late at night, you lim then too!! Or if someone says something that's funny, but not quite funny enough to laugh out loud uncontrollably... you lim again!!! See?! It just works better... Open your mind, you'll see the light :)

So I just realized I put smiley faces at the end of every paragraph... shut up... it just seems appropriate to end with a smiley face each time... be greatful! it encourages cheeriness... or cheerios...

dude cheerios are soooo racist man... they're only the o-shape... well what about all the other letter's in the alphabet... i swear man... freaking selfish bastards...

but then again... the o's are the ones getting eaten, the other alphabets get saved

i stopped using smiley faces

you know, i don't like endings... like I hate saying bye, and i don't like ending posts.. i don't like leaving... i don't like finishing books... i don't like finishing my food.. i just hate ending stuff.. it makes me sad because the enjoyment stops! So I'm going to prolong this post so I can procrastinate conclusion.

I'm doing a hamlet project in English IV AP and we're acting as lions... it's gonna be hott

I'm going to try to come up with this phenomenal, mind-blowing, gut-stirring story for my next blog post... Until then.. bye =(

April Fools' Day

So today was April Fools' Day and it was actually great fun! I pulled TONS of retarded pranks (no offense to those who are retarded... I still accept you... maybe.) I either told people I was lesbian or that I was converting from Islam to Christianity. Perhaps I should be worried that people believed me so readily... but I'll not take this time to ponder such retarded (sorry yet again) ideas. Oh and the nurses at my school are a hoot!
So here's the scoop, last year, these kids, Lex Walla-something something (Wallabee?) and John Shaak, pulled a prank on the Nurses. John Shaak had a knife stuck in his eye with fake blood streaming down his face, and Lex Wallabee was beside him screaming, "You have to help him!! He's gonna die!! Ahhhh!!!" And all the nurses ran freaking out!! And then they were like, "April Fools! hehehe"... Mrs. Branch and Mrs. Schultz thought it was funny, but Mrs. Solomon was super p-oed. So everytime Mrs. Branch saw Lex Whaleblubber in the hallway she was like, "I'm going to get you back before you graduate!!"... So today was the day. We brainstormed on how to play it. We were going to get a cop to pull both of them out of their classes and escort them to the office. The cop would not tell them what they were being suspected of. Then, Mrs. Branch and Mrs. Schultz would be sitting in one of the assistant principle's offices awaiting to announce that Lex Willywonkaand John Shaak had been punked. But, of course, before they could do any of this, they'd have to get parental approval. Luckily, both parents were on board. So they proceeded as planned and all the students in the classes both students were pulled out of were shocked and curious and Lex WaterLilly and John Shaak were freaking out. When they got to the office (the whole office was in on it, too), the main desk lady made them sit apart, and Lex Wannawaddle and John Shaak were like, "Nahhhhh, this is an april fools' joke!" and Mrs. Labonte was like "IT'S NEVER APRIL FOOLS DAY IN THE MAIN OFFICE!" The main desk lady made them sign a statement asking them what they had been doing yesterday morning and they were like asking each other what they had done, and the lady goes, "HEY! you boys can't talk to each other!" and they walked all afraid into the office, and they looked at the nurses all confused. And all the nurses said was, "April Fools' kids"!!!ahahahaha they were yelling all their anger and fear and nervous-ness out. Haha it turns out that John Shaak had weed on him and he was freaking out that they knew. And I had actually suggested that they should tell him that they suspected he had drugs on him and that they should bring him into the nurses office to search him and that would scare him more... lol if they had actually followed my suggestion... he would've been screwed! Sorry John Shaak!!!
Omggg!! and one of my best friends, Lauren Belisle, and her boyfriend, Lewis (idk his last name), came to my restaurant to eat and we had a fun game of seriously gay questions hehehe... i love you guys.
So i've been wanting to punch people... Idk what it is... I just want to punch everyone.. not everyone actually... just certain people... like:
1) people who eat sushi... yall think you're so sophisticated just because you can eat raw fish and what not... and people say their fave food is sushi.. well SHUT UP! liars! who the hell chooses sushi over real food. Ridiculous! (you're probably even some of my friends... just know... i want to punch you.... i still love you... but i want to punch you, just thought you should know)...
2) the people that sit inside the cutout window of the attendance office at school... you think you're soo cool just because you're in a cutout window... I WANNA PUNCH YOU... sorry those of you who work in the attendance office who are my friends... but it's just what i want to do! I can't help it... maybe you shouldn't work there, that would help.
3) little children... they just run around everywhere like little ants... I hate ants. And they think they're so cute! Well I got news for you, yall are... (the one's that aren't ugly) but yall are also incredibly annoying! shut up man! with your tiny, prepubescant voices. BEGONE! and yes i know i have a little baby sister myself but I wanna punch her too! Maybe if yall were all mute then I wouldn't have AS strong of an urge to punch you kids.
4) mexicans... because yall are all so freaking hott and good looking and cool... the rest of the world tries to be like yall but we fall short and completely suck... therefore.. i want to punch yall... then kidnap yall and keep yall in my closet for my own reasons.
5) little babies... (no, they are not in the same league with little kids... they're on a whole different level of annoying) they think they're sooo smooth getting all the girls.
Not that i care. I'm just saying, okay?! Shut up! But yeah ANYWAYS before yall so rudely interrupted me, I was talking about those freaking poser babies... Everytime the president walks around, there are mothers carrying these babies and the presidents always kiss them... well what about the rest of us huh? maybe we wanna be kissed by presidents too... maybe it'll increase our patriotism if we're incredibly desperate... i mean seriously... those babies are sooo selfish... they take all the powerful men away from us citizens. go suck a nipple! (oh come on not an actual nipple... well maybe not... but like a rubber nipple... you know those ones on baby bottles and or keychains or something! idk! shut up.)

6) the rock!... just kidding... i don't want to punch him... he has the eyebrow... he's freaking awesome... how could I ever want to punch him? do I want to die? i mean seriously... he could kill me just by doing the eyebrow thing to me... and i LOVE the eyebrow... no seriously... i love it... and i do smell what the rock is cooking... it smells like awesomeness...and guess what... it is...
7) rebecca black... do i really need to say more? ... wait... actually no... i think people have hated on her enough... i think she's already contemplating suicide... why should i add to that... then again... maybe i should... i AM screwed up like that... rebecca black... your lyrics make my ears bleed... WITH JOY!!! THERE!! does that make you feel better rebecca? it does? you're welcome..
8) People who make sequels to amazing movies... who thought mean girls 2 would be cool? like seriously... that's a classic... a one time awesomeness movie... all the awesomeness was used in the first one... there's none reserved for any other sequel... bring it on... i hated that anyways... but still... it was EVEN worse with the sequels... step up sequels... i'm sorry... i think one movie of dancing was enough... i didn't need to see more... crank? yeah no...oh snap and the mortal kombat sequel!! I was pissed off for a week!
9) i'm done typing... but the list is endless... keep wondering if you're on that list... you'll know when I punch you :)

Waittt!!!! OMGG!!! I was talking to my bro and he got up and I was like "aye! where are you going?!" and he was like "Tomorrow's saturday"... and then I started talking to myself... "and the day after that it's sunday, and yesterday was friday, and before that it was thursday... and two days before that it was tuesday? a month ago it was also friday?" ... i should become the next rebecca black... congrats rebecca... you're my idol :)